Song of the Day: Don't Go Back to Rockville by R.E.M.
Well ... we did it! It's been a whole week since our decision to go public with our "fat2fit" program. Can you believe it? The time has flown by so quickly. We're all still super motivated and changes are taking place ... it's almost been a little too easy. That fact scares me a bit - the easiness of it all. Does this mean that there are going to be major roadblocks ahead? Are we suddenly going to lose momentum? All I can do is take a deep breath and have faith that we'll stay true to our goals. But so far (knock on wood), so good.
We're all pumped for the big weigh-in tomorrow. Well, my husband is pumped. He's the only member of the family who is still concerned about numbers. I know, I know - our ultimate goal is to lose 20% of our body weight. However, as the week has progressed, I realized that the weight loss was only a small part of our goal. In reality, this whole project is about creating healthy habits. And so far, if I do say so myself, we're doing a super job. It's all about making healthy choices. We're not hung up on points or food journals like we were in the past. We've BTDT and bought the t-shirt for weight loss programs. Although we had a little success with some of them, they never became a part of our lives.What really matters at the end of the day is whether or not you've made permanent changes. Well this time, it isn't a test, folks. We're working toward the real thing!
Remember my little tirade yesterday about breaking out of your bad routines? You'll be pleased to know that my daughter and I actually began cracking that shell last night. Instead of her watching television and me heading to the computer post-dinner, we leashed up the pups and hit the pavement. We all had the most fab time. The dogs were elated and my daughter begged to make it a new evening routine. And this morning? Did I head over to the Keurig first thing? Heck no! I hauled my daughter's tush out of bed and once again, we took the pups for a hike. It was the best morning ever! And do you want to know a secret? I have loads more energy than I've ever had in the morning. Plus, I'm not ravenous. Go figure! As my daughter so eloquently put it as we headed back home from our walk this morning, "These walks are great! We lose weight and have fun!" That says it all. They'll be no going back to Slackville again!
So ... have you broken any of your bad routines yet? If yes, GREAT job! If no, what's stopping you? Go for it. Take the plunge and dive right in. Trust me. The water might be a little chilly at first, but once you start going, it warms up quickly!
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